September 11, 2014

Malaysia: Selamat Hari Merdeka yang ke-57

Tak lama lagi hari Malaysia yang bermaksud, cuti. Aku suka itu but now aku tengah pike pasal orang kita yang asyik sangat mencari benda yang tak elok buat punca gaduh. Tak habis2 idea bodo puak2 pelampau ni. Please laaa get a life! Buat kesekian kalinya aku nak state aku punya stand so that next time aku boleh baca dan ingatkan diri sendiri dan semoga stand aku ni teguh sampai ke akhir hayat aku.

Aku dah 2x tak mengundi sebab aku memang tak dapat nak bulatkan hati pilih parti apa takut nanti apa yang aku pilih tu tak capai KPI. Tapi, itu bukan alasan untuk aku tak peduli isu2 kat negara ni. Aku muslim so pastilah aku sokong segala usaha cegah maksiat dan pastikan status halal walopon ada pihak kata itu semua buang duit. Aku paham banyak manusia n pemimpin durjana kat negara ni so more money must go to fight these scums but weyy... every country have that. And we always forget pengikut durjana yg hipokrit pon amatlah ramai jugak. I am in total rage and devastation regarding Gaza war and was super proud our PM was brave enough to announce his stand but hoiitt, tak kira memes apa pon yg keluaq, Hitler tu adalah manusia kejam yang aku xkan sanjung. Please dont make it sound like he was the hero for Muslim. Please. Period. I got patriotic bila nama Malaysia keluar kat berita dunia, negative or positive. It was soothing when few ministers break up racial barriers in their speech or statement, bila pemimpin DAP hadir majlis buka puasa or bila pemimpin Melayu acknowledge sumbangan bangsa lain. I tear up watching the video proving Malaysian are not racist. I support all efforts to care for cats, dogs or any other animals. Tiap kali drive hari ahad aku sabar menunggu dlm jam waktu pagi sebab ada sermont kat church di kajang bcoz aku paham macam tulah rasanya bila jam dekat masjid2 tiap2 hari jumaat. Give and take. Simple.

Surely, some people akan kata aku ni lalang. Well yes, exactly. Apa yang baik aku turut, apa yang bodoh aku jauh. Takda benda yang hakiki dalam dunia ni, Allah je benar dan betul bagi aku. BN banyak isu, PR pon x kurang cacatnya. Menteri mana cakap tak senonoh patutla ditendang2 keluar, menteri mana yg ikhlas buat kerja kenala dihormati walau warna or agama apa pon. Orang ba***ng je yang paksa suruh pilih antara hitam dan putih walaupun ada kelabu asap, kelabu taik anjing dan kelabu perak and of course pink, purple, kuning bla blaaa.

Ada orang nak semua orang lupa dan buang segala yang tak sama supaya semua jadi sama. Put aside agama, way of life, belief, prinsip. Letak social and work life above tuhan. Pada aku, this is extreme so No-No. I dont think I'll eat wine or pork just because I'm attending a friend's event serving that. I will never demand to have halal food BUT I'll expect the host to understand why I'm not eating or drinking. Nor will I take off my tudung just because everybody in a conference room isnt wearing one. At the same time, I'll still give food if a cat or dog (or wolf and tiger if harmless) pass by. I would not think twice to help a makcik or apek or uncle crossing the street though I may avoid skin contact especially to men. Aku bagi jalan to any other drivers if they are polite and corteous regardless of skin colors. Aku hormat even atheis and their views as long depa hormat aku dan x paksa aku 'to be liberated and free because God is all forgiving'. I'd rather pray, cover my aurah, observe my ibadah and submit to Allah swt because as a muslim, He is the only One almighty God and the creator of all.

Ada orang embrace and tolerate segala yang x sama. Tolong majlis kawen or birthday or any celebration party tak kira Melayu, Cina, India or whatever bangsa, omputih sekalipun. Pegi open house regardless for perayaan agama or kaum apa (as long invited). Respect other prayers, religious outfit and religious or cultural practice. I am one of those. Becoz really, why lorr sibuk sangat nak mengata orang lain macam tu macam ni. Hitam ka putih ka kuning ka tak de apa nak bangga. Cakap bahasa apa pun takde bukti yang mana lagi hebat. Nak tengok baik ke buruk, tengok pada akhlak dan moral. Tengok pada apa yang kita buat, bukan tengok pada apa yang kita harap orang buat.

Truth be told, aku lagi banyak sakit hati dengan orang dan bangsa aku sendiri berbanding bangsa lain. Why? Bcoz I interacted with em more throughout my life. Does this means bangsa aku tak layak aku hormati? No, this accusation is beyond absurd. The same way it is absurd to accuse bangsa lain as thud juz bcoz we heard unpleasant stories. Secluded, bias and emotional stories. Surely pada yang pernah terkena, aku rasa derang lagi paham yang tak semua sama jenis macam pelaku. Tapi besanya as the story travels, it gets propagated. Pakat goreng dan tambah rempah garam bagai sampai boleh kasi diebetik. Then the story escalated and boom! kalah Hiroshima or Nagasaki bom. Kiki, I believe is one such story yang kita hanya tahu sekerat. Aku taknak cakap panjang bout that. I've had an incident involving an Indian family. Masa awal memang tak puas hati, tapi then aku rasa derang lagi hormat aku berbanding orang lain even Melayu. Again, enuff about that too.

Yang penting, yang sama kita hayati dan sepakati, yang berbeza kita fahami dan muhibbahkan. Our ancestors had done this for centuries through trading and bargaining, why not us? Kalau ada vampire among em and masih hidup sampai skrang, I'm sure they'll be tearing sad blood tears by looking at us now. Not because of what happen to Bella and Edward, but bcoz kita ni dalam IC warganegara Malaysia tapi kondem negara sendiri pastu sibuk suh orang lain keluar negara derang sendiri. We are all Malaysian, and I'm talking to those who still feel proud that our Malaysian dish was featured in the Masterchef kitchen or that foreign news still highlighted Malaysia's crucial aid in negotiating the return of MH17 blackbox. Are these too small for a recognition? Well then, tell us what have YOU, you, you had done to this country....

Selamat Hari Merdeka to my Malaysia (yes, Malaysia not Malaysian). Semoga all Malaysian sedar what a blessing to have a Malaysia to live in, with and for.

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